Experience everything BlueReceipt has to offer. Start your 7 day free trial. No credit card required. Book a consultation call if your store does over $100,000 monthly. Onboarding takes 3 mintues. Get started!
The free plan goes up to 50,000 active subscribers. This means that you pay a guaranteed rate of 1000% ROAS (or 10% of sales) for using all of BlueReceipt’s features. This means unlimited texts, conversations, campaigns, automations
The enterprise is for those who do over $100,000 a month in revenue/50,000 subscribers. You will receive VIP access to new features and have 1-1 guidance to transform everything about your business. In 1 consultation with George you will likely receive $20,000+ worth of value. Schedule a free consultation if you fit the criteria.
After onboarding you should be able to convert 15-20% of your abandoned cart subscribers. With our patent pending popup you should be able to subscribe 30-40% of visitors allowing you to increase CR, LTV and NPS as you grow your business. These simple things will transform your business